The other day, I was chatting with a friend of mine on the phone. When I mentioned that there seemed to be so many more cases of food allergies, he said that he had a theory about it. " It is the adjuvant in all these vaccines that are getting stronger and stronger." Immediately I could see the validity of this hypothesis.
Indeed the adjuvant was there to make the body mount an immune response to the dead virus in the vaccine, but likely at the same time the body might be encountering something new in the environment, such as pollen, or a new food such as eggs, seafood or nuts. Of course, there was never going to be any serious study on how strong the adjuvant should be in these vaccines.
This friend just lost his beloved uncle to a botched surgery. Apparently, this uncle enjoyed very robust health for over 70 years. When he had to undergo surgery, he did not take matters into his own hands by checking out on the surgeon. He essentially let everything be decided for him. My friend said that his practice was to educate himself on all health related matters - reading into the fine prints of all drugs, including the clinical trial results, before deciding to take a certain drug. Otherwise, he said, he would be leaving the decision-making to doctors who often know less than he does about these drugs.
Not that we had any choice, as Winston had to get all the vaccines in order to attend school, but I do wonder if all those vaccine shots he received in his first 12 months of life had made him allergic. We have yet to get him take a skin test for the environmental allergens, but we now know that he's allergic to both cashews and pistachios.
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