Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Silly Baby, Sillier Mom

When I heard that Michael had set up a website for his newly established lab at Stanford, I went to take a look ( Under “Future Lab Members” is a photo of a cute chubby baby boy – Winston Lin. Next to the photo Michael wrote, “Baby Winston was born on June 16, 2009. He has yet to receive a degree in anything, but is currently receiving training in sitting and eating. He may be contacted by email, but may take a few years to respond.”

People say that babies are silly, but mothers can be even sillier. I clicked on Winston’s gmail address, and wrote him an e-mail, “ my dearest darling little boy, mommy loves you the most.”

I can’t wait until I get a reply from him!

1 comment:

fenrulin said...

Hey, I think I was the first to write to Winston, and I still haven't gotten a reply from him yet! But of course, you are the mom, so he should respond to you first...