Tuesday, May 3, 2011


William Arthur Ward once said, "The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires."

For most of us, the teachers in our lives consist of not only teachers from school, but also our family and friends as well as books and other forms of media, as we intuitively and sub-consciously learn from the context in which we live.

It must be difficult to be a parent, as a parent is the single most important teacher to the child. However, as I ponder over the role of teaching, I cannot help but want to modify the observation from Ward. After all, we need teachers who tell as it is when necessary, who explain when we are puzzled, who demonstrate the personal values and principles, and who can inspire us to do great things when we are ready for such inspiration. We need teachers that cover the entire gamut.

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