Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Peter Hessler

I recently finished reading Peter Hessler's "Oracle Bones" and loved it. Now I am reading his third book "Country Driving". He's now back in the United States after spending several years living and writing in China. He has insight that no other journalists or writers possess into the Chinese psyche. I can't wait until he writes another book.

Often I feel like that while I have a different perspective looking at America from most of the Chinese, and a different perspective looking at China from most of the Chinese. But that sense of loneliness is utterly dispelled by Peter Hessler's writing, which is poignant, perceptive, insightful and incredibly balanced. I could sense his compassion and humanity throughout his writing, and yet at the same time he's done a heroic job of not falling into any emotional frenzy or cheap sentimentality.

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