Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Because Winston has been sick on and off for about 3 months since he started daycare, I have not been in a great mood to write. When I first started this blog, it was meant as a place to store my writing about my leisure travels, as I was such an avid traveler. After Winston's birth, I decided that perhaps this blog would be my journal about Winston, so that I will not forget about the small things and he will one day read them.

In that case I have been terribly delinquent. Winston took the first plane trip to Seattle in May, and I have not even written about it. He had so much fun riding the buses, taking the ferry and sitting in first class cabin on the flight from San Francisco to Seattle. He was singing "Happy Birthday" so much that others started asking us if it was his birthday. We told them that it was his way of telling people that he's really happy. It was an utterly exhausting trip for me and my mom, as Michael decided not to rent a car - my cousin learned about it from my mom, who loves to tell a good story about the trials and tribulations of this trip. We were sightseeing in Seattle by public transportation. Now if it were New York, it would have made perfect sense. Thank goodness no one got sick on that trip, despite the hardships.

While Seattle seems like an attractive place to live for many people, I must say that I know for sure that I will not be happy living there. I like sunshine, and I love summer heat. I find Seattle a bit cold both literally and figuratively speaking.

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